Compare Limit Reached
Best coverage assay for MT-CYB
Best transcript assay for ENST00000361789
Assay targets ENST00000361789
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for IFNB1
Best transcript assay for ENST00000380232
Assay targets ENST00000380232
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR and dPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for VIM
Assay targets 6 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR and dPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Arg1
Best transcript assay for ENSMUST00000218260
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Ldlr
Assay targets 5 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for CYP3A5
Assay targets 14 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for Col1a2
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Foxa2
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000017742
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000017742
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Cxcl10
Assay targets 4 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Abca1
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000024564
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000024564
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Ifng
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000009919
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000009919
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Tgfb1
Best transcript assay for ENSMUST00000002678
Assay targets 3 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for IL1B
Assay targets 7 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for COL1A2
Best transcript assay for ENST00000297268
Assay targets 4 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR and dPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for DLX6-AS1
Best transcript assay for ENST00000431497
Assay targets 6 transcripts
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR.
Best coverage assay for MMP9
Best transcript assay for ENST00000372330
Assay targets ENST00000372330
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR and dPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Mmp9
Best transcript specific assay for ENSMUST00000017881
Assay targets ENSMUST00000017881
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Il17a
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000016664
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000016664
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Src
Assay targets 6 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for Il17a
Best transcript assay for ENSMUST00000027061
Assay targets ENSMUST00000027061
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for CDH1
Best transcript assay for ENST00000261769
Assay targets 6 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR and dPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for VSX2
Best transcript assay for ENST00000261980
Assay targets ENST00000261980
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for TUBB3
Assay targets 13 transcripts
Assay spans exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for TNF
Best transcript assay for ENST00000445232
Assay targets ENST00000445232
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for Col1a1
Best transcript assay for ENSMUST00000139974
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Icam1
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Src
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Il1b
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000006308
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000006308
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Cyp11a1
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000010831
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000010831
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Cdh1
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000027346
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000027346
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Atxn2
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000001691
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000001691
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Tnf
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for PLA1A
Assay targets 5 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for Foxa2
Assay targets 3 transcripts
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for Il6
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000013732
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000013732
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Ppara
Assay targets 5 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Col1a1
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000005311
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000005311
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for FN1
Best transcript assay for ENST00000354785
Assay targets 10 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR and dPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for ICAM1
Best transcript assay for ENST00000264832
Assay targets ENST00000264832
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR and dPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for TNF
Best transcript assay for ENST00000449264
Assay targets ENST00000449264
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR and dPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for VEGFA
Assay targets 29 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for MEG3
Best transcript assay for ENST00000650041
Assay targets 20 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR.
Best coverage assay for Cpt2
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000016954
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000016954
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Cdkn1a
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for Tubb3
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000023452
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000023452
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Vegfa
Assay targets 5 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for IL10
Best transcript assay for ENST00000423557
Assay targets ENST00000423557
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR and dPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for TNF
Best transcript assay for ENST00000448781
Assay targets ENST00000448781
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for Cdh1
Assay targets 3 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Pla1a
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for Atxn2
Assay targets 4 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Sdha
Assay targets 4 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for mt-Co1
Best transcript assay for ENSMUST00000082402
Assay targets ENSMUST00000082402
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for MT-CO1
Best transcript assay for ENST00000361624
Assay targets ENST00000361624
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for ACTA2
Assay targets 5 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for Pla1a
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000077727
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000077727
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for RN7SL1
Best transcript assay for ENST00000618786
Assay targets ENST00000618786
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for Cxcl1
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000003778
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000003778
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for IL1RN
Assay targets 7 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for TNF
Best transcript assay for ENST00000383496
Assay targets ENST00000383496
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for Dlx6os1
Assay targets 3 transcripts
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Ikzf2
Assay targets 9 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Cd274
Best transcript assay for ENSMUST00000016640
Assay targets ENSMUST00000016640
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Hnf4a
Assay targets 5 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for Vim
Assay targets 5 transcripts
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for Tnf
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000001110
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000001110
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR.
Best coverage assay for Uchl1
Assay targets 3 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Sp110
Assay targets 3 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for Cyp11a1
Assay targets 4 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Il10
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000006246
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000006246
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Mt-co1
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000050156
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000050156
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for CXCL8
Assay targets 3 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for Dlx6os1
Best transcript assay for ENSMUST00000184182
Assay targets ENSMUST00000184182
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for Il6
Assay targets 4 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for SYT1
Assay targets 10 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for Hnf4a
Assay targets 3 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for TP53
Assay targets 22 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for CPT2
Assay targets 9 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for Arg1
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000017911
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000017911
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Syt1
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Tgfb1
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000028051
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000028051
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Ccl2
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000009448
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000009448
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Ppara
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for TNF
Best transcript assay for ENST00000412275
Assay targets ENST00000412275
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for Col1a2
Best transcript assay for ENSMUST00000132029
Assay targets 4 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Vegfa
Assay targets 11 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for Spp1
Assay targets 6 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Cpt2
Assay targets 5 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for Il1b
Best transcript specific assay for ENSMUST00000028881
Assay targets ENSMUST00000028881
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Dlx5
Assay targets 3 transcripts
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for Ikzf2
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for Ifnb1
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000008224
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000008224
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for PTGS2
Assay targets 4 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for Ifnb1
Best transcript assay for ENSMUST00000055671
Assay targets ENSMUST00000055671
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Fn1
Best transcript assay for ENSMUST00000185408
Assay targets 9 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Il1rn
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000007949
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000007949
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for IL6
Assay targets 9 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for CYP11A1
Assay targets 5 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Vsx2
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for Ptgs2
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for IFNG
Best transcript assay for ENST00000229135
Assay targets ENST00000229135
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR and dPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Tubb3
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for TFRC
Assay targets 6 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for SP110
Assay targets 8 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for VTRNA2-1
Best transcript assay for ENST00000602301
Assay targets ENST00000602301
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for CXCL10
Best transcript assay for ENST00000306602
Assay targets ENST00000306602
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR and dPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for PPARA
Best transcript assay for ENST00000407236
Assay targets 5 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Tfrc
Assay targets 3 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Syt1
Best transcript assay for ENSMUST00000147593
Assay targets 4 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for AHR
Assay targets 4 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for TNF
Best transcript assay for ENST00000443707
Assay targets ENST00000443707
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for Sdha
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000018336
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000018336
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for SPP1
Assay targets 10 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR and dPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for CCL2
Assay targets 3 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for ABCA1
Assay targets 3 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for IKZF2
Assay targets 13 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Meg3
Assay targets 8 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Il1rn
Best transcript assay for ENSMUST00000142093
Assay targets 4 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for FOXA2
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Abca1
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for Mstn
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for Icam1
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000028066
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000028066
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Vsx2
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000015889
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000015889
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for Cxcl10
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000003075
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000003075
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Mstn
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000038093
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000038093
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Cd274
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000034421
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000034421
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Cdkn1a
Assay targets 4 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Ptgs2
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000003567
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000003567
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for TNF
Best transcript assay for ENST00000420425
Assay targets ENST00000420425
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for TNF
Best transcript assay for ENST00000376122
Assay targets ENST00000376122
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for Ccl2
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Acta2
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for SDHA
Best transcript assay for ENST00000617470
Assay targets 7 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for UCHL1
Assay targets 10 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for LDLR
Assay targets 8 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for COL1A1
Best transcript specific assay for ENST00000225964
Assay targets ENST00000225964
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR and dPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for HNF4A
Assay targets 8 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Ifng
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Ahr
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000006618
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000006618
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Ldlr
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000013496
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000013496
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Il10
Best transcript assay for ENSMUST00000016673
Assay targets ENSMUST00000016673
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Tfrc
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000002407
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000002407
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Fn1
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Acta2
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000083468
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000083468
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Hif1a
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Spp1
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Mmp9
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Vim
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000024430
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000024430
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Uchl1
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000003248
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000003248
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Dlx5
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000014946
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000014946
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for Cxcl1
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for Ahr
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for CDKN1A
Assay targets 7 transcripts
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for Sp110
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000056995
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000056995
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for DLX5
Assay targets 3 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for PAPLN
Assay targets 10 transcripts
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for AC008147.3
Best transcript assay for ENST00000548666
Assay targets ENST00000548666
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for TARM1
Best transcript assay for ENST00000619320
Assay targets ENST00000619320
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for CYP7A1
Best transcript assay for ENST00000301645
Assay targets ENST00000301645
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for AC025437.4
Best transcript assay for ENST00000522975
Assay targets ENST00000522975
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for DLG5-AS1
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for TAF15
Assay targets 9 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for AC015849.9
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for GDF15
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for RPL31P9
Best transcript assay for ENST00000579952
Assay targets ENST00000579952
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for ARTN
Assay targets 10 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for AL645927.1
Best transcript assay for ENST00000618350
Assay targets ENST00000618350
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for AC007638.1
Best transcript assay for ENST00000576751
Assay targets ENST00000576751
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for CLK2P1
Best transcript assay for ENST00000416636
Assay targets ENST00000416636
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for BX927235.1
Best transcript assay for ENST00000455159
Assay targets ENST00000455159
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for AC113189.7
Best transcript assay for ENST00000638955
Assay targets ENST00000638955
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for BRD2
Assay targets 9 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for RPP21
Assay targets 8 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for TM6SF2
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for AC011446.1
Best transcript assay for ENST00000591825
Assay targets ENST00000591825
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for KCNH5
Assay targets 4 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for ZNF175
Assay targets 3 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for AC096649.2
Best transcript assay for ENST00000416186
Assay targets ENST00000416186
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for RNU6-823P
Best transcript assay for ENST00000391042
Assay targets ENST00000391042
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for RF00012
Best transcript assay for ENST00000363172
Assay targets ENST00000363172
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for IGHV3-21
Best transcript assay for ENST00000632980
Assay targets ENST00000632980
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for AC009154.2
Best transcript assay for ENST00000621177
Assay targets ENST00000621177
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for CLTC
Assay targets 6 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for MTAP
Assay targets 8 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for RPL7AP49
Best transcript assay for ENST00000429522
Assay targets ENST00000429522
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for AC022695.2
Best transcript assay for ENST00000518042
Assay targets ENST00000518042
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for MIR885
Best transcript assay for ENST00000401316
Assay targets ENST00000401316
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for ITGA11
Assay targets 5 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for NXPE4
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for IGKV1-12
Best transcript assay for ENST00000480492
Assay targets ENST00000480492
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for RF00045
Best transcript assay for ENST00000364946
Assay targets ENST00000364946
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for NCR3
Assay targets 6 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for KIF6
Assay targets 4 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for RFTN1
Assay targets 8 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for RPS18
Assay targets 7 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for RF00019
Best transcript assay for ENST00000620203
Assay targets ENST00000620203
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for BORCS5
Assay targets 3 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for RF00019
Best transcript assay for ENST00000362870
Assay targets ENST00000362870
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Best coverage assay for TOX
Best transcript assay for ENST00000361421
Assay targets ENST00000361421
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel
Best coverage assay for CCNF
Best transcript assay for ENST00000564236
Assay targets 3 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR. Wet-lab validated for qPCR.
Assay in Focus Panel