RNA Functional Analysis

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High success in functional genomics studies

Understanding the diverse RNA world and its network of intricate interactions is one of the most important challenges facing biology today. We offer a range of tools to help you determine the functions of coding and non-coding RNAs using a variety of approaches.

Antisense LNA GapmeRs are potent antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) that provide highly efficient knockdown of mRNA and lncRNA.

Our miRNA inhibitors and power inhibitors are highly potent, LNA-enhanced, miRNA antisense inhibitors that work by transfection or unassisted delivery.

The miRNA mimics are sophisticated, high-quality mimics that simulate naturally-occurring, mature miRNAs, and their LNA-enhanced, triple-RNA strand design ensures excellent specificity with no off-target effects from the passenger strand.

Our miRNA target site blockers (TSBs) block the interaction of a miRNA with a specific target site, and they are valuable tools for investigating the contribution of an individual target to an observed phenotype.

Our RNAi products span the full range of functional genomics knockdowns, from a single gene, to small numbers of related genes, to genome-wide, high-throughput screens.

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Related Applications and Insights

LNA technology center

LNA technology center

Discover how the high affinity of locked nucleic acids (LNA) to their targets helps overcome the difficulties of studying very short DNA and RNA fragments
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Products (15)

miRNA Inhibitors
miRCURY LNA miRNA Family Power InhibitorsmiRCURY LNA miRNA Family Power Inhibitors

For miRNA loss-of-function studies using LNA-enhanced antisense miRNA inhibitors

Custom miRCURY LNA Inhibitors and Power InhibitorsCustom miRCURY LNA Inhibitors and Power Inhibitors

For miRNA function studies using LNA-enhanced antisense miRNA inhibitors

miRCURY LNA miRNA Inhibitors and Power InhibitorsmiRCURY LNA miRNA Inhibitors and Power Inhibitors

For miRNA loss-of-function studies using LNA-enhanced antisense miRNA inhibitors

miRNA Mimics
miRCURY LNA miRNA MimicsmiRCURY LNA miRNA Mimics

For studies on miRNA function and gene regulation using synthetic miRNA

miScript miRNA MimicsmiScript miRNA Mimics

For studies on miRNA function and gene regulation using synthetic miRNA

miRNA Target Site Blockers
miRCURY LNA miRNA Power Target Site BlockersmiRCURY LNA miRNA Power Target Site Blockers

Custom-designed target site blockers for studying the effects of an individual miRNA on a single target site

Antisense LNA GapmeRs
Antisense LNA GapmeRsAntisense LNA GapmeRs

LNA-enhanced antisense oligonucleotides for highly effective knockdown of mRNA and lncRNA

AllStars Hs Cell Death Control siRNAAllStars Hs Cell Death Control siRNA

For siRNA transfection optimization and positive control experiments in human cells

AllStars Mm/Rn Cell Death Control siRNAAllStars Mm/Rn Cell Death Control siRNA

For siRNA transfection optimization and positive control experiments in mouse or rat cells

AllStars Negative Control siRNAAllStars Negative Control siRNA

For negative control RNAi experiments

AllStars Reporter ControlsAllStars Reporter Controls

For knockdown of a reporter gene

FlexiPlate siRNAFlexiPlate siRNA

For highly flexible, economical RNAi screening

FlexiTube siRNAFlexiTube siRNA

For efficient RNAi analysis one gene at a time

FlexiTube siRNA PremixFlexiTube siRNA Premix

For optimized, one-step siRNA transfection

HP Custom siRNAHP Custom siRNA

For efficient gene silencing using high-purity siRNA