Empower Your Scientific Journey

GeneGlobe streamlines your complete research cycle from target exploration and product configuration to data analysis and follow-up experiment planning

Discover How GeneGlobe Helps Advance Your Research

Explore the latest gene details, pathways and interaction networks and save custom gene lists as you work. Use your gene lists to find predesigned products or create custom products for your targets of interest. Get quick insights into your PCR and NGS data and plan follow-up studies based on your results.
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Genes, miRNAs & Pathways

Access a wealth of information extracted from the literature and curated by our experts. Our collection includes over 10,000 manually curated biological entities, from miRNAs and genes to signaling pathways and interaction networks. Find information relevant to your research interests without the time-consuming literature searches and database queries.
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Products for your genomics research

GeneGlobe links our NGS, PCR and functional analysis products to manually curated data on >10,000 biological entities, so you can easily explore targets in their scientific context and find just the right tools to analyze them.
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Create Custom Products

Our intuitive custom builders let you design exactly the assays, panels and oligos you need for your analysis in your preferred tube or plate format. Just provide a list of identifiers for your genes, miRNAs or proteins of interest and specify your plate layout, if applicable, and we will create a product customized just for you.
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Analyze Data

The GeneGlobe Data Analysis Center includes a range of web-based tools to streamline and simplify your data analysis. Access is complimentary when analyzing data acquired with QIAGEN kits, and our new pipelines support third-party kits on a pay-per-sample basis.

Have a question? Get in touch with us

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