QuantiNova LNA PCR Assays for Digital PCR

For in-depth, accurate and reliable gene expression analysis using LNA-enhanced, EvaGreen digital PCR

  • Over 1.3 million assays provide the broadest and best coverage of human, mouse and rat mRNA and lncRNA transcripts in Ensembl
  • Exceptional sensitivity and specificity using short, LNA-enhanced primers
  • Accurate detection over a wide dynamic range starting at 1 RNA copy
  • Optimized to eliminate non-specific amplification
  • Absolute quantification of expression changes with dPCR using the QIAcuity instrument and the QIAcuity EG PCR Kit


Product List1 products

Best Coverage (1)
Best transcript assay (7)
Best transcript specific assay (8)
GeneGlobe ID: SBM0889440 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA PCR Assays for Real-Time PCR
MM_YWHAZ_2133546 QuantiNova LNA PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Ywhaz
Assay targets 8 transcripts
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Pre-designed assay for dPCR and qPCR.
Product Specification
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