Create high-specificity custom digital PCR assays

Our online design tools let you easily create and order tailor-made dPCR primer and probe sets for detecting targets where no predesigned products are available. These custom dPCR assays are designed for use with QIAcuity PCR kits compatible with hydrolysis probes and the QIAcuity digital PCR instrument. Our dPCR custom design tools currently support the following applications, delivering results with exceptional accuracy, precision and reproducibility.

  • Copy Number Variation (CNV) Analysis: Custom dPCR CNV Probe Assays empower you to confidently detect and quantify subtle changes in gene copy numbers, enabling breakthroughs in areas such as cancer research, genetic disorders and developmental biology. These assays provide clear, easy-to-interpret results, allowing you to focus on what matters most - advancing your research.
  • Microbial Detection: Custom dPCR Microbial Assays enable precise quantification of bacteria, fungi or viruses, making them ideal for applications in pathogen detection, environment monitoring and microbiome research. With these assays, you can achieve reliable, reproducible data to drive your studies forward with confidence.


Custom dPCR CNV Probe Assays
Custom dPCR Microbial Assays
Supported Species
Human, mouse, rat
Bacteris 16S, fungi ITS, viruses
Detection Chemistry
Hydrolysis probe
Hydrolysis probe
Cy5, FAM, HEX, ROX, ATTO550, ATTO700
Tube containing pre-mixed and lyophilized primers and probe
Tube containing pre-mixed and lyophilized primers and probe
Pack Size
75 or 180 x 40 μl reactions (QIAcuity Nanoplate 26k) or 250 or 600 x 12 μl reactions (QIAcuity Nanoplate 8.5k)
150 or 400 x 40 μl reactions (QIAcuity Nanoplate 26k) or 500 or 1333 x 12 μl reactions (QIAcuity Nanoplate 8.5k)
Design Tool Input
Sequences, gene symbols, genomic coordinates
Organism name, species, taxonomy ID
Reference Database
Human: GRCh38, Mouse: GRCm39, Rat: mRatBN7.2
LNA-enhancement for complex designs
Yes, multiple fluorophores available; no integrated multiplex check
Yes, multiple fluorophores available; no integrated multiplex check
Positive Sequence
Sequence information on amplicon region provided allowing the order of a synthetic positive control
Sequence information on amplicon region provided allowing the order of a synthetic positive control
Other Features
Option to integrate reference assays into the design process
Option to design against customer-defined anchor sequence
Data Analysis
QIAcuity Software Suite
QIAcuity Software Suite

Need help with your design? Interested in assays for miRNA or mRNA/lncRNA targets?

Our design experts are happy to help

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Are you new to digital PCR?

Discover the power of digital PCR - a revolutionary technique for unmatched precision and sensitivity. Visit our dPCR info center to learn about its advantages, applications and how it can elevate your research.
Discover the QIAcuity dPCR ecosystem

Discover the QIAcuity dPCR ecosystem

Power up your digital PCR with QIAcuity. Experience seamless integration, faster workflows and scalable precision. This all-in-one system and its ecosystem deliver accurate results in under 2 hours, boosting your lab's productivity.
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Stay tuned – more dPCR custom assay design tools coming soon!

Prepare to elevate your digital PCR capabilities to new heights with our soon-to-launch custom assay design tools.