What makes a good qPCR assay? High accuracy, dynamic range, reliability, reproducibility, sensitivity and specificity. The design algorithm is key to developing optimal primer pairs with all of these features. Designing assays without fully understanding the critical aspects can compromise your results.
We can remove the guesswork from your real-time PCR assay design. Our unparalleled choice of predesigned assays and panels, along with the option to create your own using our advanced design algorithms and user-friendly custom builders, ensure quality qPCR results time and again.
For real-time PCR-based, application-specific microbial identification or profiling
For real-time PCR-based microbial detection; includes one assay with Microbial qPCR Mastermix for 100 reactions
For real-time PCR-based, customized microbial identification or profiling
For rapid and accurate profiling of the somatic DNA mutation status of gene panels
For detecting the presence of specific DNA sequence mutations in cancer and oncogenesis
For rapid and accurate profiling of somatic mutations using a custom gene panel
For extremely sensitive and specific miRNA quantification using LNA-optimized, SYBR® Green-based miRNA PCR
For setup and optimization of miRNA quantification experiments using SYBR® Green-based qPCR
Custom 96- and 384-well plates of LNA-enhanced, SYBR® Green-based miRNA qPCR assays
For exceptionally sensitive and specific miRNA profiling using LNA-enhanced, SYBR® Green-based miRNA qPCR
For exceptionally sensitive and specific miRNA profiling using LNA-enhanced, SYBR® Green-based miRNA qPCR
For quick and easy quality control of miRNA samples prior to SYBR® Green-based qPCR profiling
For extremely sensitive and accurate quantification of mature miRNA using LNA-enhanced, probe-based qPCR
Predesigned assays for extremely sensitive and specific miRNA quantification using LNA-optimized, hydrolysis probe-based miRNA PCR
For in-depth, accurate and reliable gene expression analysis using LNA-enhanced SYBR® Green qPCR
For in-depth pathway- or disease-specific gene expression analysis using LNA-enhanced, SYBR® Green-based PCR
For in-depth pathway- or disease-specific gene expression analysis using LNA-enhanced, SYBR® Green-based PCR
For in-depth pathway- or disease-specific gene expression analysis using LNA-enhanced, SYBR® Green-based PCR
For accurate and reliable lncRNA quantification using LNA-enhanced, SYBR® Green-based PCR
For in-depth, accurate and reliable gene expression analysis using LNA-enhanced hydrolysis probe-based PCR
For in-depth, accurate and reliable gene expression analysis using LNA-enhanced hydrolysis probe-based PCR
For in-depth pathway- or disease-specific gene expression analysis using LNA-enhanced, probe-based PCR
For in-depth pathway- or disease-specific gene expression analysis using LNA-enhanced, probe-based PCR
For in-depth pathway- or disease-specific gene expression analysis using LNA-enhanced, probe-based PCR
For accurate and reliable lncRNA quantification using LNA-enhanced, probe-based PCR
For lncRNA expression analysis by pathway and disease using laboratory-verified SYBR® Green qPCR assays
For reliable and sensitive gene expression profiling using laboratory-verified assays
For accurate and reliable gene expression analysis using laboratory-verified assays
For amplification of cDNA templates prior to analysis on RT² Profiler PCR Arrays
For pathway-focused gene expression analysis using laboratory-verified assays
For gene expression profiling using a partially modified pathway or disease panel
For SYBR® Green-based expression analysis of individual genes using bioinformatically-verified assays