Genes, miRNAs & Pathways

Access a wealth of information extracted from the literature and curated by our experts

We’ve simplified your background research

GeneGlobe gives you access to up-to-date information relevant to your research interests without the time-consuming literature searches and database queries. You can explore knowledge on over 10,000 manually curated biological entities, from miRNAs and genes to signaling pathways and interaction networks.

This information comes from QIAGEN IPA and the extensive QIAGEN Knowledge Base, which contains two decades of data from scientific journals, publicly available molecular content databases, textbooks and more. Our expert curators manually review top-tier scientific literature, pulling out key details and ensuring that data are captured with full context – so you don't have to.

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Find & order target-specific products

Our comprehensive portfolio of NGS, PCR and functional analysis products is linked with the information in the QIAGEN Knowledge Base, allowing you to quickly and easily find target-specific products for your experiments.

Start by exploring the knowledge topics related to your research: explore biological targets in the context of functions, interactions and signaling pathways, and explore pathways in the context of tissues, organisms and more. As you work, save your targets of interest to a gene or miRNA list in GeneGlobe. Then, use these lists to find the best-matching predesigned assays or panels, or create a fully customized product to study your exact targets.

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Browse canonical pathways

Explore our collection of over 400 well-characterized and interactive metabolic and cell signaling pathways. You can filter pathway members by disease, biological function, tissue specificity, species and more and save the pathways and genes of interest to your own personalized gene list, which you can use to find or create products to study those genes.

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Explore genes & interaction networks

Access detailed gene information, including the pathways, biological processes and cellular components in which they are involved. Discover other members of their interaction networks and filter by directionality, function, subcellular localization, cell type and more. Create a personalized list with your genes of interest and then use this list to find or create the best products to study them.

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Discover microRNAs

Find out more about your microRNAs of interest, including the miRBase family, mature miRNA sequence and stemloop structures, Sanger accession number, synonyms and inferred RNA targets derived from seed. Create a personalized miRNA list and then use it to find or create the best tools to study them.

Reading Rooms

NGS Custom DNA Panel Design

NGS Custom DNA Panel Design

Focus your sequencing efforts on the targets important to you
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RNA Functional Analysis

RNA Functional Analysis

Empower your RNA functional studies with our LNA-enhanced research tools
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SYBR® Green and Probe PCR Technologies

SYBR® Green and Probe PCR Technologies

LNA-enhanced qPCR solutions for any mRNA/lncRNA/miRNA, with your choice of SYBR® Green or hydrolysis probe detection
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