Our real-time PCR assays and panels enable sensitive and accurate quantification of any mRNA or long non-coding RNA transcript, regardless of abundance. Choose from the broadest coverage of predesigned human, mouse and rat qPCR primer sets and pathway or disease focus panels on the market. Or, create your own custom assays and panels using our advanced design algorithms and user-friendly custom builders.
Plus, our newest qPCR assay systems – QuantiNova LNA PCR and QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR – are optimized with locked nucleic acid (LNA) technology, enhancing assay sensitivity even further to provide unbiased gene expression profiles and faster scientific insights.
For in-depth, accurate and reliable gene expression analysis using LNA-enhanced SYBR® Green qPCR
For in-depth pathway- or disease-specific gene expression analysis using LNA-enhanced, SYBR® Green-based PCR
For in-depth pathway- or disease-specific gene expression analysis using LNA-enhanced, SYBR® Green-based PCR
For in-depth pathway- or disease-specific gene expression analysis using LNA-enhanced, SYBR® Green-based PCR
For accurate and reliable lncRNA quantification using LNA-enhanced, SYBR® Green-based PCR
For in-depth, accurate and reliable gene expression analysis using LNA-enhanced hydrolysis probe-based PCR
For in-depth, accurate and reliable gene expression analysis using LNA-enhanced hydrolysis probe-based PCR
For in-depth pathway- or disease-specific gene expression analysis using LNA-enhanced, probe-based PCR
For in-depth pathway- or disease-specific gene expression analysis using LNA-enhanced, probe-based PCR
For in-depth pathway- or disease-specific gene expression analysis using LNA-enhanced, probe-based PCR
For accurate and reliable lncRNA quantification using LNA-enhanced, probe-based PCR
For lncRNA expression analysis by pathway and disease using laboratory-verified SYBR® Green qPCR assays
For reliable and sensitive gene expression profiling using laboratory-verified assays
For accurate and reliable gene expression analysis using laboratory-verified assays
For amplification of cDNA templates prior to analysis on RT² Profiler PCR Arrays
For pathway-focused gene expression analysis using laboratory-verified assays
For gene expression profiling using a partially modified pathway or disease panel
For SYBR® Green-based expression analysis of individual genes using bioinformatically-verified assays