QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays

For in-depth, accurate and reliable gene expression analysis using LNA-enhanced hydrolysis probe-based PCR

  • Over 1.3 million assays provide the broadest and best coverage of human, mouse and rat mRNA and lncRNA transcripts in Ensembl
  • Exceptional sensitivity and specificity using short, LNA-enhanced primers and FAM-labeled hydrolysis probes
  • Accurate detection over a wide dynamic range starting at 1 RNA copy
  • Stability for room-temperature setup allowing automation
  • Robust and reproducible results in less than 2 hours using the QuantiNova Probe PCR Kit


Product List138478 products

Human (59415)
Mouse (49052)
Rat (30011)
Best Coverage (138478)
Best transcript assay (320386)
Best transcript specific assay (217555)
in-silico designed (137043)
qPCR wet-lab verified (1435)
Exon Coverage and gDNA Detection
Exon-Spanning (84484)
Exon-Specific (53994)
Assay on Focus Panel
No (127355)
Yes (11123)
Control Assay (18)
Regular Assay (138460)
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0120005 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_ABCC1_241062 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for ABCC1
Assay targets 5 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0430337 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_CCND1_551418 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for CCND1
Best transcript assay for ENST00000227507
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Wet-lab validated for qPCR
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0022122 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_SYNGAP1_143170 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for SYNGAP1
Assay targets 11 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0175061 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_YAP1_296118 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for YAP1
Assay targets 9 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0744923 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_CCNE2_866107 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Ccne2
Assay targets 6 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH1132563 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_MYC_2475853 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for MYC
Best transcript assay for ENST00000517291
Assay targets 5 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Wet-lab validated for qPCR
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH1132828 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_NFKB1_2476118 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for NFKB1
Best transcript assay for ENST00000226574
Assay targets 7 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Wet-lab validated for qPCR
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0989363 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_ABCC2_1110606 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Abcc2
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0871977 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_BCORL1_993170 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Bcorl1
Assay targets 5 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1056876 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_RPPH1_1178128 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Rpph1
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000080198
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000080198
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1089430 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_TEAD2_1210682 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Tead2
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1084774 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_ACE2_1206026 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Ace2
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1116028 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_FRMD6_1237280 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Frmd6
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000009610
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000009610
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1099438 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_KAT6A_1220690 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Kat6a
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1100151 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_CCNE2_1221403 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Ccne2
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000010696
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000010696
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0035198 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_CETN2_156246 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for CETN2
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0018890 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_TEAD2_139938 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for TEAD2
Assay targets 8 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0049095 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_OXTR_170143 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for OXTR
Assay targets ENST00000316793
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0119876 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_OPRK1_240933 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for OPRK1
Assay targets 6 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0531791 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_CDH6_652872 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for CDH6
Assay targets 3 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0814214 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_MYC_935401 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Myc
Assay targets 7 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Wet-lab validated for qPCR
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0661280 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_E2F1_782427 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for E2f1
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0832263 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_ESR1_953450 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Esr1
Assay targets 4 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0729100 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_IL6_850284 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Il6
Assay targets 4 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0948169 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_CDK4_1069386 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Cdk4
Assay targets 7 transcripts
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0913148 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_GLS2_1034359 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Gls2
Assay targets 4 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0898239 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_CDK2_1019432 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Cdk2
Assay targets 6 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1064041 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_WWTR1_1185293 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Wwtr1
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000022507
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000022507
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1035170 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_CDK4_1156422 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Cdk4
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000031796
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000031796
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1074536 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_BAX_1195788 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Bax
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM1009329 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_YAP1_1130573 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Yap1
Assay targets 9 transcripts
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0286592 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_MLH3_407655 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for MLH3
Best transcript assay for ENST00000380968
Assay targets 5 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Wet-lab validated for qPCR
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0460991 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_ABCC2_582072 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for ABCC2
Assay targets 9 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0134788 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_DLX6-AS1_255845 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for DLX6-AS1
Best transcript specific assay for ENST00000430027
Assay targets ENST00000430027
Assay spans exon
Wet-lab validated for qPCR
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0253422 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_PTPRC_374485 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for PTPRC
Assay targets 10 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0507542 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_DLX5_628623 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for DLX5
Assay targets 3 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0792268 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_CETN2_913455 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Cetn2
Assay targets 3 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0613002 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_TPBG_734083 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for TPBG
Assay targets 3 transcripts
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0903870 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_BAX_1025063 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Bax
Assay targets 5 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1029559 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_OXTR_1150811 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Oxtr
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000007724
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000007724
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0987587 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_NFKB1_1108828 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Nfkb1
Best transcript assay for ENSMUST00000029812
Assay targets 6 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Wet-lab validated for qPCR
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0944563 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_KAT6B_1065780 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Kat6b
Assay targets 5 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM1002086 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_IPO8_1123330 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Ipo8
Assay targets 5 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1067122 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_CDH6_1188374 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Cdh6
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000018246
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000018246
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1098910 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_IL6_1220162 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Il6
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000013732
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000013732
Assay spans exon
Wet-lab validated for qPCR
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0346001 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_MLH1_467082 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for MLH1
Best transcript assay for ENST00000231790
Assay targets 6 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Wet-lab validated for qPCR
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0505175 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_GLS2_626256 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for GLS2
Assay targets 9 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0317034 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_E2F3_438097 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for E2F3
Assay targets 3 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0451571 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_EPCAM_572652 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for EPCAM
Assay targets 5 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0901808 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_OPRK1_1023001 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Oprk1
Assay targets 4 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0699746 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_BRAF_820902 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Braf
Best transcript assay for ENSMUST00000002487
Assay targets 3 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0763325 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_FAT4_884509 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Fat4
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1083196 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_AKT1_1204448 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Akt1
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000031164
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000031164
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1101442 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_MYC_1222694 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Myc
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1013060 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_SOX9_1134306 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Sox9
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000003511
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000003511
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1047533 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_OPRK1_1168785 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Oprk1
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000010254
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000010254
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0220678 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_WWTR1_341735 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for WWTR1
Assay targets 7 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0151647 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_KAT6B_272704 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for KAT6B
Assay targets 32 transcripts
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0483731 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_FGFR1_604812 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for FGFR1
Assay targets 24 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0347856 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_TPBG_468937 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for TPBG
Assay targets 3 transcripts
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0527234 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_SYNGAP1_648315 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for SYNGAP1
Assay targets 5 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0619676 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_OXTR_740823 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Oxtr
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0827860 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_AKT1_949047 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Akt1
Best transcript assay for ENSMUST00000139388
Assay targets 6 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Wet-lab validated for qPCR
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0877618 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_CDH6_998811 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Cdh6
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1030246 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_CXCR4_1151498 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Cxcr4
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0868172 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_ACE2_989365 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Ace2
Assay targets 3 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0933466 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_CCND1_1054677 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Ccnd1
Assay targets 3 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1076908 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_CDK2_1198160 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Cdk2
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000031963
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000031963
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1102175 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_MLH1_1223427 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Mlh1
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1099141 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_ESR1_1220393 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Esr1
Assay targets 4 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1062133 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_E2F3_1183385 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for E2f3
Assay targets 3 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0348703 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_ABCC1_469784 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for ABCC1
Assay targets 6 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0599047 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_ESR1_720128 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for ESR1
Best transcript assay for ENST00000206249
Assay targets 7 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Wet-lab validated for qPCR
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0711675 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_SOX9_832832 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Sox9
Best transcript assay for ENSMUST00000000579
Assay targets ENSMUST00000000579
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0530969 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_RPPH1_652050 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for RPPH1
Best transcript assay for ENST00000516869
Assay targets ENST00000516869
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0559253 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_BRAF_680334 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for BRAF
Assay targets 11 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0739883 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_FGFR1_861067 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Fgfr1
Assay targets 10 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0975216 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_JUN_1096454 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Jun
Best transcript assay for ENSMUST00000107094
Assay targets ENSMUST00000107094
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Wet-lab validated for qPCR
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0845044 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_MLH1_966231 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Mlh1
Assay targets 5 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1107711 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_ABCC1_1228963 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Abcc1
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000044108
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000044108
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1023244 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_ERBB4_1144490 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Erbb4
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000019283
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000019283
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1105722 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_FRS2_1226974 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Frs2
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0392206 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_SOX9_513287 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for SOX9
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Wet-lab validated for qPCR
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0400370 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_FRMD6_521451 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for FRMD6
Assay targets 6 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0622739 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_E2F3_743886 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for E2f3
Assay targets 4 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH1132507 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_KAT6A_2475797 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for KAT6A
Best transcript assay for ENST00000396930
Assay targets 9 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Wet-lab validated for qPCR
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0980984 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_ERBB4_1102222 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Erbb4
Assay targets 4 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0366810 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_MAPK1_487891 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for MAPK1
Assay targets 3 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0702788 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_FRS2_823944 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Frs2
Assay targets 3 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1121351 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_IL1B_1242603 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Il1b
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000006308
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000006308
Assay spans exon
Wet-lab validated for qPCR
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0004789 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_KAT6B_125837 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for KAT6B
Assay targets 31 transcripts
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0569765 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_JUN_690846 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for JUN
Best transcript assay for ENST00000371222
Assay targets ENST00000371222
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Wet-lab validated for qPCR
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0988633 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_WWTR1_1109876 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Wwtr1
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1094508 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_CISH_1215760 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Cish
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000040056
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000040056
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1116688 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_NFKB1_1237940 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Nfkb1
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000036838
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000036838
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0151529 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_IPO8_272586 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for IPO8
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0292006 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_ERBB4_413069 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for ERBB4
Assay targets 5 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0448301 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_PTPRC_569382 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for PTPRC
Assay targets 5 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0519458 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_IL6_640539 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for IL6
Assay targets 9 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0540159 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_BAX_661240 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for BAX
Assay targets 11 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Wet-lab validated for qPCR
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH1132375 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_E2F1_2475665 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for E2F1
Best transcript assay for ENST00000343380
Assay targets ENST00000343380
Assay spans exon
Wet-lab validated for qPCR
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH1132773 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_AGT_2476063 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for AGT
Best transcript assay for ENST00000366667
Assay targets ENST00000366667
Assay spans exon
Wet-lab validated for qPCR
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1055882 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_MAPK1_1177134 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Mapk1
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000002533
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000002533
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1108643 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_FGFR1_1229895 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Fgfr1
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1075141 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_FAS_1196393 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Fas
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000025928
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000025928
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0904643 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_CISH_1025836 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Cish
Assay targets 3 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0852860 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_TPBG_974047 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Tpbg
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0714829 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_FRMD6_835992 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Frmd6
Assay targets 3 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0844575 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_EPCAM_965762 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Epcam
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0995795 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_FAS_1117039 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Fas
Assay targets 4 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1037970 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_JUN_1159222 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Jun
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000011731
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000011731
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0519999 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_CDK2_641080 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for CDK2
Assay targets 10 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0260835 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_FRS2_381898 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for FRS2
Assay targets 9 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0570413 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_CXCR4_691494 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for CXCR4
Assay targets 3 transcripts
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH1123951 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_FAS_2464762 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for FAS
Assay targets 19 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0740121 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_PTCH1_861305 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Ptch1
Assay targets 4 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0807826 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_PTPRC_929013 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Ptprc
Assay targets 4 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0774313 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_TEAD2_895497 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Tead2
Assay targets 10 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1075695 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_BRAF_1196947 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Braf
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000014604
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000014604
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1120200 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_EPCAM_1241452 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Epcam
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000021135
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000021135
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1054272 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_PTCH1_1175524 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Ptch1
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1098110 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_GLS2_1219362 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Gls2
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000018737
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000018737
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1093185 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_PCNA_1214437 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Pcna
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000028887
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000028887
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1105736 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_MLH3_1226988 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Mlh3
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000033493
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000033493
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0258917 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_CISH_379980 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for CISH
Assay targets 3 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH1132696 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_STAT1_2475986 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for STAT1
Best transcript assay for ENST00000392323
Assay targets 7 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Wet-lab validated for qPCR
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0453992 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_AKT1_575073 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for AKT1
Assay targets 8 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Wet-lab validated for qPCR
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0155270 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_PTCH1_276327 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for PTCH1
Best transcript assay for ENST00000331920
Assay targets 8 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Wet-lab validated for qPCR
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0655856 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_RPPH1_777003 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Rpph1
Best transcript assay for ENSMUST00000175096
Assay targets ENSMUST00000175096
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0691019 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_PCNA_812175 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Pcna
Best transcript assay for ENSMUST00000140338
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Wet-lab validated for qPCR
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0645647 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_KAT6A_766794 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Kat6a
Assay targets 3 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0715315 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_STAT1_836478 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Stat1
Best transcript assay for ENSMUST00000186574
Assay targets 6 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Wet-lab validated for qPCR
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0621696 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_MLH3_742843 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Mlh3
Assay targets 4 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1079683 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_FAT4_1200935 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Fat4
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000038703
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000038703
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1051180 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_SYNGAP1_1172432 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Syngap1
Assay targets 3 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0884197 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_AGT_1005390 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Agt
Best transcript assay for ENSMUST00000063278
Assay targets ENSMUST00000063278
Assay spans exon
Wet-lab validated for qPCR
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1026379 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_YAP1_1147625 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Yap1
Assay targets 5 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1041949 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_TPBG_1163201 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Tpbg
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1064162 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_BCORL1_1185414 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Bcorl1
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000006805
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000006805
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0081027 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_PCNA_202084 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for PCNA
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0156087 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_FAT4_277144 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for FAT4
Assay targets 3 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0291148 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_CDK4_412211 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for CDK4
Best transcript assay for ENST00000549606
Assay targets 6 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Wet-lab validated for qPCR
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0612848 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_CCNE2_733929 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for CCNE2
Assay targets 5 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0766084 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_ABCC1_887268 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Abcc1
Assay targets 7 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0699681 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_SYNGAP1_820837 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Syngap1
Assay targets 12 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0666259 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_MAPK1_787406 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Mapk1
Assay targets 4 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Wet-lab validated for qPCR
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFM0774575 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
MM_CXCR4_895759 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Cxcr4
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Wet-lab validated for qPCR
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1042457 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_CCND1_1163709 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Ccnd1
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1037827 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_KAT6B_1159079 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Kat6b
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000070893
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1096711 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_CETN2_1217963 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Cetn2
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000078929
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000078929
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1015892 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_ABCC2_1137138 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Abcc2
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000070861
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000070861
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1047359 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_PTPRC_1168611 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Ptprc
Assay targets 5 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFR1049261 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
RN_AGT_1170513 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for Agt
Best transcript assay for ENSRNOT00000024917
Assay targets ENSRNOT00000024917
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0053112 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_LINC00290_174160 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for LINC00290
Best transcript assay for ENST00000512487
Assay targets ENST00000512487
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0053115 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_CU633904.3_174163 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for CU633904.3
Best transcript assay for ENST00000624042
Assay targets ENST00000624042
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0053762 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_HOXC6_174810 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for HOXC6
Assay targets 4 transcripts
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0053813 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS__174861 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for AC027601.3
Best transcript assay for ENST00000622907
Assay targets ENST00000622907
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0053870 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_MRPL1_174918 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for MRPL1
Assay targets 4 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0047044 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_HYAL6P_168092 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for HYAL6P
Best transcript assay for ENST00000417674
Assay targets ENST00000417674
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0047047 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_AC022809.1_168095 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for AC022809.1
Best transcript assay for ENST00000579247
Assay targets ENST00000579247
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0047058 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_RNU6-302P_168106 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for RNU6-302P
Best transcript assay for ENST00000365249
Assay targets ENST00000365249
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0047276 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_MATN1_168324 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for MATN1
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0047291 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_AC005288.1_168339 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for AC005288.1
Best transcript assay for ENST00000582842
Assay targets ENST00000582842
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0047420 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_AC015802.4_168468 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for AC015802.4
Assay targets ENST00000591967
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0047682 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_EGOT_168730 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for EGOT
Best transcript assay for ENST00000414938
Assay targets ENST00000414938
Assay spans exon
Wet-lab validated for qPCR
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0047725 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_TNRC18P1_168773 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for TNRC18P1
Best transcript assay for ENST00000502875
Assay targets ENST00000502875
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0047767 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_AC068714.1_168815 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for AC068714.1
Best transcript assay for ENST00000559623
Assay targets ENST00000559623
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0047855 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_AC027801.1_168903 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for AC027801.1
Best transcript assay for ENST00000515692
Assay targets ENST00000515692
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0051366 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_AC025272.1_172414 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for AC025272.1
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0051456 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_AC113385.3_172504 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for AC113385.3
Best transcript assay for ENST00000621479
Assay targets ENST00000621479
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0051684 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_C5ORF64_172732 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for C5orf64
Assay targets 3 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0051734 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_CYP21A1P_172782 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for CYP21A1P
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0051843 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_RSPH6A_172891 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for RSPH6A
Assay targets 3 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0051872 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_RN7SL331P_172920 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for RN7SL331P
Best transcript assay for ENST00000618054
Assay targets ENST00000618054
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0051951 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_BTF3P13_172999 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for BTF3P13
Best transcript assay for ENST00000513224
Assay targets ENST00000513224
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0051976 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_STEAP2-AS1_173024 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for STEAP2-AS1
Assay targets ENST00000478318
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0052182 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_AP003032.1_173230 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for AP003032.1
Best transcript assay for ENST00000526730
Assay targets ENST00000526730
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0052185 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_RNU6-498P_173233 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for RNU6-498P
Best transcript assay for ENST00000459468
Assay targets ENST00000459468
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0052827 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_Y_RNA_173875 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for RF00019
Best transcript assay for ENST00000364904
Assay targets ENST00000364904
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0050107 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_SRP72_171155 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for SRP72
Assay targets 5 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0050174 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_RGS2_171222 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for RGS2
Assay targets 4 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0050351 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_SLC39A11_171399 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for SLC39A11
Assay targets 9 transcripts
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0050562 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_AC087623.3_171610 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for AC087623.3
Best transcript assay for ENST00000606593
Assay targets ENST00000606593
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0050927 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_AL391335.1_171975 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for AL391335.1
Best transcript assay for ENST00000504583
Assay targets ENST00000504583
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0048036 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_LRIT2_169084 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for LRIT2
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0048211 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_AC005726.4_169259 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for AC005726.4
Best transcript assay for ENST00000585189
Assay targets ENST00000585189
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0048649 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_LTB4R2_169697 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for LTB4R2
Assay targets 3 transcripts
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0048928 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_RNA5SP73_169976 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for RNA5SP73
Best transcript assay for ENST00000516744
Assay targets ENST00000516744
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0049540 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_AC142086.6_170588 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for AC142086.6
Best transcript assay for ENST00000621154
Assay targets ENST00000621154
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0049709 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_P4HB_170757 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for P4HB
Assay targets 7 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Assay in Focus Panel
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0049812 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_RNA5SP298_170860 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for RNA5SP298
Best transcript assay for ENST00000364991
Assay targets ENST00000364991
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0049046 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_AP000146.1_170094 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for AP000146.1
Assay targets ENST00000444178
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0049151 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_TRIM31_170199 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for TRIM31
Assay targets 3 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0049187 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_AL392086.2_170235 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for AL392086.3
Best transcript assay for ENST00000648995
Assay targets ENST00000648995
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0049206 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_AC138089.2_170254 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for AC138089.2
Best transcript assay for ENST00000630608
Assay targets ENST00000630608
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0049267 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_AC111182.1_170315 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for AC111182.1
Best transcript assay for ENST00000588701
Assay targets ENST00000588701
Assay is within same exon
IMPORTANT: May detect gDNA
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0092107 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_AL158152.2_213164 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for AL158152.2
Assay targets 3 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0092116 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_OR2F1_213173 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for OR2F1
Assay targets 2 transcripts
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0092130 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_AC083900.1_213187 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for AC083900.1
Best transcript assay for ENST00000421964
Assay targets ENST00000421964
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
GeneGlobe ID: UPFH0092139 | Cat. No.: | QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assays
HS_YPEL4_213196 QuantiNova LNA Probe PCR Assay
Best coverage assay for YPEL4
Assay targets ENST00000533025
Assay spans exon
Product Specification
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