Pyrosequencing Assays

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Optimized assays for successful Pyrosequencing analysis

Pyrosequencing is highly suited for analyzing any kind of sequence variation, particularly DNA methylation at CpG or CpN sites, complex mutations or for de novo sequencing applications such as microbial typing. To maximize your workflow flexibility, we provide predesigned assays for quantification of CpG methylation and Pyrosequencing custom assays based on your primer sequences for analysis of any DNA sequence.

Related Applications and Insights

PyroMark custom builders

PyroMark custom builders

Create custom assays and panels for rapid and accurate Pyrosequencing analysis of DNA methylation and validation of CpG targets
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Products (3)

PyroMark Assays
PyroMark CpG AssaysPyroMark CpG Assays

Predesigned assays for quantification of CpG methylation by Pyrosequencing

PyroMark Custom AssaysPyroMark Custom Assays

For Pyrosequencing analysis of any user-defined DNA sequence

PyroMark Accessories
PyroMark Q24 Accessories and ReagentsPyroMark Q24 Accessories and Reagents

For optimal sample preparation and Pyrosequencing analysis using the PyroMark Q24.