Multiomics Sequencing Panels & Kits

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Multimodal sequencing: One streamlined workflow, endless insights

Simultaneous analysis of multiple analytes from a single sample, known as multimodal sequencing, is gaining significance as tumor profiling and biomarker research continue to advance at a rapid pace. However, challenges such as limited sample availability, complex workflows, lengthy turnaround times and the substantial investment needed to implement multiple workflows underscore the pressing need for streamlined workflows and assay consolidation.

To address these challenges, our QIAseq multimodal sequencing kits utilize total nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) as input, enabling the creation of whole-omics DNA and RNA libraries from as little as 10 ng of input material – all within a single-day, streamlined workflow. By integrating multiple workflows into one, multimodal sequencing simplifies comprehensive genomic profiling by combining the analysis of various analytes into a single DNA and RNA library preparation process. This approach significantly reduces overall costs and cuts the sample-to-sequencing turnaround time from the traditional three days to just one.

Featured multimodal sequencing resources

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Panels and kits for multimodal sequencing (4)

DNA & RNA Mutation Profiling / Fusion Gene Sequencing
QIAseq Multimodal PanelsQIAseq Multimodal Panels

A single day sample to sequencing workflow for simultaneous enrichment and profiling of DNA variants, RNA fusions and gene expression levels from one sample input, as low as 10 ng

QIAseq Multimodal Custom PanelsQIAseq Multimodal Custom Panels

A single day sample to sequencing workflow for simultaneous enrichment and profiling of DNA variants, RNA fusions and gene expression levels from one sample input, as low as 10 ng

QIAseq Pan-Cancer Multimodal PanelQIAseq Pan-Cancer Multimodal Panel

The only one-day, low-input sample to sequencing workflow for simultaneous and comprehensive genomic profiling of DNA variants, RNA fusions and assessing TMB/MSI in solid tumors and heme malignancies

QIAseq Multimodal DNA/RNA Library KitsQIAseq Multimodal DNA/RNA Library Kits

For simultaneous whole genome sequencing and whole transcriptome sequencing library preparation from a single sample