Next-Generation Sequencing Panels & Kits

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Impactful discoveries powered by NGS

Next-generation sequencing can deliver unprecedented insights, unraveling the intricacies of the genome and transcriptome in biomarker research, gene expression studies, viral epidemiology and disease surveillance, as well as comprehensive genomic profiling to identify variants implicated in cancer and other diseases.

Our NGS panels and kits support a wide range of sequencing needs and scales: from differential expression analysis to variant and mutation detection, from sequencing targeted regions of interest or the entire exome, transcriptome or genome, we can help you overcome typical workflow challenges and get to your insights faster.

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Related Applications and Insights

Live Webinar: Capturing Microbial Targets with NGS and dCPR

Live Webinar: Capturing Microbial Targets with NGS and dCPR

Join us live on January 29th to explore cutting-edge techniques for capturing microbial targets using NGS and dCPR. Don't miss this interactive session!
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Custom Microbial Research Tools

Custom Microbial Research Tools

Design custom dPCR assays and NGS panels tailored to your microbial research needs. Accelerate discoveries in human health, food safety, environmental testing, and more.
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Sequence viral and AMR targets with ease

Sequence viral and AMR targets with ease

Our high-sensitivity, probe-based enrichment panels let you detect and sequence microbial genomes and genes with confidence, ease and efficiency
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Customize your panel

Customize your panel

Our user-friendly builders let you quickly and easily design custom NGS panels for your targeted sequencing experiments
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Discover GeneGlobe’s data analysis center

Discover GeneGlobe’s data analysis center

These web-based tools streamline and simplify your data analysis; access is complimentary when analyzing data acquired with QIAGEN kits
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Products (47)

QIAseq Targeted DNA Pro PanelsQIAseq Targeted DNA Pro Panels

Cataloged targeted panels for detecting low-frequency variants by digital DNA sequencing

QIAseq Targeted DNA Pro Custom PanelsQIAseq Targeted DNA Pro Custom Panels

Custom targeted panel for detecting low-frequency variants by digital DNA sequencing

QIAseq Targeted cfDNA Ultra Custom PanelsQIAseq Targeted cfDNA Ultra Custom Panels

Custom targeted panel for detecting low-frequency variants by digital DNA sequencing

QIAseq Targeted cfDNA Ultra PanelsQIAseq Targeted cfDNA Ultra Panels

Cataloged targeted panels for detecting low-frequency variants by digital DNA sequencing

Tumor Mutational Burden
QIAseq Tumor Mutational Burden PanelsQIAseq Tumor Mutational Burden Panels

For creating a comprehensive profile of Tumor Mutational Burden (TMB) and Microsatellite Instability Status (MSI)

cfDNA Sequencing
QIAseq cfDNA All-in-One KitsQIAseq cfDNA All-in-One Kits

For conversion of cfDNA from plasma to NGS library for any liquid biopsy samples

Whole Genome/Exome Sequencing
QIAseq FX DNA Library KitQIAseq FX DNA Library Kit

All-enzymatic whole genome and hybrid capture library preparation for Illumina instruments with minimal bias

QIAseq Human Exome KitQIAseq Human Exome Kit

Reduce exome sequencing costs by up to 50%, improve scalability with a single-day, automation-compatible sample to sequencing workflow

Ultralow Input/Single-Cell Sequencing
QIAseq FX Single Cell DNA Library KitQIAseq FX Single Cell DNA Library Kit

Single-cell whole genome libraries with comprehensive coverage and high sequence fidelity

QIAseq Ultralow Input Library KitQIAseq Ultralow Input Library Kit

Highly flexible DNA library preparation for sequencing with Illumina instruments

QIAseq UPX 3’ Transcriptome KitsQIAseq UPX 3’ Transcriptome Kits

For high-throughput 3' transcriptome analysis from up to 10 ng of purified RNA, cell lysates and single cells using next-generation sequencing

NGS Accessories
QIAseq Index KitsQIAseq Index Kits

Indices for QIAseq Targeted NGS now available in unique dual bar-coded format

QIAseq FastSelect Custom RNA Removal KitsQIAseq FastSelect Custom RNA Removal Kits

For rapid removal of unwanted RNAs during RNA-seq library preparation

Metagenomics & Microbial Sequencing
QIAseq 16S/ITS Screening Panels and Index KitsQIAseq 16S/ITS Screening Panels and Index Kits

For next-generation sequencing-based Sample to Insight profiling of bacterial and fungal communities

QIAseq 16S/ITS Region PanelsQIAseq 16S/ITS Region Panels

For next-generation sequencing-based Sample to Insight profiling of bacterial and fungal communities

QIAseq xHyb Viral and Bacterial PanelsQIAseq xHyb Viral and Bacterial Panels

For high-quality targeted viral and bacterial sequencing using hybrid capture

QIAseq xHyb Mycobacterium Tuberculosis PanelQIAseq xHyb Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Panel

For the culture-free Whole Genome Enrichment of Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Genomic Target Enrichment
QIAseq 1-Step Amplicon Library KitQIAseq 1-Step Amplicon Library Kit

For fast and efficient preparation of DNA libraries for use in NGS applications

NGS Quantification & Quality Control
QIAseq DNA QuantiMIZE KitsQIAseq DNA QuantiMIZE Kits

For quantification and qualification of amplifiable DNA prior to NGS

QIAseq Library Quant SystemQIAseq Library Quant System

For qPCR-enabled quantification of NGS libraries

QIAseq miRNA Library QC PCR Panel and AssaysQIAseq miRNA Library QC PCR Panel and Assays

For evaluating RNA sample quality prior to miRNA/small RNA NGS library preparation and for assessing NGS performance post-sequencing

DNA Mutation Profiling
QIAseq Targeted DNA Booster PanelsQIAseq Targeted DNA Booster Panels

Spike-in pools to either boost coverage or augment targets across specific regions of any panel

QIAseq HRR PanelQIAseq HRR Panel

Digital DNA sequencing to confidently detect homologous recombination repair (HRR) biomarkers

QIAseq Targeted DNA PanelsQIAseq Targeted DNA Panels

Cataloged targeted panels for detecting low-frequency variants by digital DNA sequencing

QIAseq Targeted DNA Extended PanelsQIAseq Targeted DNA Extended Panels

Extends the content of any cataloged panel with up to 100 additional primers

QIAseq Targeted DNA Custom PanelsQIAseq Targeted DNA Custom Panels

Custom targeted panel for detecting low-frequency variants by digital DNA sequencing

QIAseq Investigator PanelsQIAseq Investigator Panels

Dedicated QIAseq panels for human identity investigations

DNA & RNA Mutation Profiling / Fusion Gene Sequencing
QIAseq Multimodal Custom PanelsQIAseq Multimodal Custom Panels

A single day sample to sequencing workflow for simultaneous enrichment and profiling of DNA variants, RNA fusions and gene expression levels from one sample input, as low as 10 ng

QIAseq Multimodal PanelsQIAseq Multimodal Panels

A single day sample to sequencing workflow for simultaneous enrichment and profiling of DNA variants, RNA fusions and gene expression levels from one sample input, as low as 10 ng

QIAseq Pan-Cancer Multimodal PanelQIAseq Pan-Cancer Multimodal Panel

The only one-day, low-input sample to sequencing workflow for simultaneous and comprehensive genomic profiling of DNA variants, RNA fusions and assessing TMB/MSI in solid tumors and heme malignancies

QIAseq Multimodal DNA/RNA Library KitsQIAseq Multimodal DNA/RNA Library Kits

For simultaneous whole genome sequencing and whole transcriptome sequencing library preparation from a single sample

Epigenetics Sequencing
QIAseq Targeted Methyl PanelsQIAseq Targeted Methyl Panels

A liquid biopsy-compatible solution for targeting methylation status of DNA, from as low as 1 ng input DNA from cells and tissues, or 10 ng from FFPE samples and liquid biopsies

QIAseq Targeted Methyl Custom PanelsQIAseq Targeted Methyl Custom Panels

A liquid biopsy-compatible solution for targeting methylation status of DNA, from as low as 1 ng input DNA from cells and tissues, or 10 ng from FFPE samples and liquid biopsies

Exome sequencing
QIAseq xHYB Custom Human PanelsQIAseq xHYB Custom Human Panels

Custom targeted panel for detecting low-frequency variants by digital DNA sequencing

NGS-Based miRNA Profiling
QIAseq miRNA Library KitQIAseq miRNA Library Kit

Gel-free miRNA Sample to Insight solution for differential expression analysis and novel discovery using next-generation sequencing

Fusion Gene Sequencing
QIAseq RNA Fusion XP PanelsQIAseq RNA Fusion XP Panels

Comprehensive oncology profiling combining gene fusion detection, gene expression analysis and single nucleotide variant (SNV) calling in just one assay

QIAseq Fusion XP Custom Targeted PanelsQIAseq Fusion XP Custom Targeted Panels

Comprehensive oncology profiling combining gene fusion detection, gene expression analysis and single nucleotide variant (SNV) calling in just one assay

QIAseq Targeted RNAscan PanelsQIAseq Targeted RNAscan Panels

Applying digital RNA sequencing to scan for known and novel fusion genes

QIAseq Targeted RNAscan Custom PanelQIAseq Targeted RNAscan Custom Panel

Applying digital RNA sequencing to scan for known and novel fusion genes

NGS-Based RNA Profiling
QIAseq Targeted RNA PanelsQIAseq Targeted RNA Panels

Digital RNAseq for gene expression profiling

QIAseq Targeted RNA Custom PanelsQIAseq Targeted RNA Custom Panels

Digital RNAseq for gene expression profiling

Immune Repertoire NGS Screening
QIAseq Immune Repertoire RNA Library KitsQIAseq Immune Repertoire RNA Library Kits

For human and mouse immune repertoire screening

NGS-Based RNA Profiling (Ultraplex)
QIAseq UPX 3’ Targeted RNA PanelsQIAseq UPX 3’ Targeted RNA Panels

For ultraplex (UPX) gene expression analysis using 3' RNA-seq from single cells and low-input samples

Whole Transcriptome Sequencing
QIAseq Stranded RNA Library KitsQIAseq Stranded RNA Library Kits

For preparation of stranded whole transcriptome RNA-seq libraries for NGS applications on Illumina instruments, including optional purification of poly A+ RNA from total RNA

Viral Sequencing
QIAseq SARS-CoV-2 Primer PanelQIAseq SARS-CoV-2 Primer Panel

For targeted whole genome library preparation of SARS-CoV-2 for genomic surveillance and variant detection

QIAseq Direct SARS-CoV-2 KitsQIAseq Direct SARS-CoV-2 Kits

For fast, targeted whole genome library preparation of SARS-CoV-2 for genomic surveillance and variant detection