For 3' gene expression analysis from cells or mRNA. Each kit contains cell lysis solution, buffers, oligos and enzymes lyophilized in a plate.
CAT NO./ID 333088
QIAseq UPX 3' Transcriptome Kit (96)
For 3' gene expression analysis from cells or mRNA of 8–96 samples at one time; each kit contains cell lysis solution, buffers, oligos and enzymes lyophilized in a 96-well plate which can be easily separated for processing 8–96 samples in parallel (this format is ideal for both small and large sample sizes)
CAT NO./ID 333089
QIAseq UPX 3' Transcriptome Kit (96-M)
For 3' gene expression analysis from cells or mRNA of up to 384 samples; each kit contains cell lysis solution, buffers, oligos and enzymes in a 96-well plate. The increased volumes allow for automation or manual pipetting or where custom protocols are necessary.
CAT NO./ID 333090
QIAseq UPX 3' Transcriptome Kit (384)
For 3' gene expression analysis from cells or mRNA of 384 samples simultaneously; each kit contains cell lysis solution, buffers, oligos and enzymes lyophilized on a 384-well plate for processing 384 samples in parallel (this format is best suited for large samples numbers of at least 384 samples)
For indexing on Illumina NGS instruments
CAT NO./ID 333074
QIAseq UPX 3' Trans. 12-Index (48)
For indexing up to 12 samples per sequencing lane on Illumina NGS instruments; multiple 96- or 384-well plates can be combined as one sample allowing for 12 x 96-well plates (1152 cells/wells) or 12 x 384-well plates (4608 cells/wells) per lane
CAT NO./ID 333075
QIAseq UPX 3' Trans. 48-Index (192)
For indexing up to 48 samples per sequencing lane on Illumina NGS instruments; multiple 96- or 384-well plates can be combined as one sample allowing for 48 x 96-well plates (4608 cells/wells) or 48 x 384-well plates (18,432 cells/wells) per lane